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Support the Paxman Petition

February 18, 2013

Written by Fantastic Media

Fantastic Media is proud to support its long term client, Paxman Coolers.

We are proud to support Paxman, make sure you do too!

Paxman is petitioning the government with Fantastic’s help for scalp cooling to be offered as the standard treatment practice for all applicable cancer patients undergoing chemo in the UK.

Hair loss is a well documented side effect of many chemo regimes. It is often devastating & the fear of hair loss has been known to cause patients to refuse treatment.

Scalp cooling systems work by lowering the temperature of the scalp immediately before, during & after the administration of chemo. This can prevent or minimise the damage caused to hair follicles, meaning that hair loss is not inevitable.

Scalp cooling (or cold cap treatment) is available free of charge in some NHS & private hospitals throughout the country if requested by patients, nurses or doctors. All cancer patients should be given the opportunity to choose the treatment that is right for them.

Paxman need to get 100,000 signatures by November 2013 – Make sure you sign the petition here! 

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