Building an engaged, pet loving audience.
Pet Brands, specialists in the manufacture and supply of high quality pet accessories and treats, approached Fantastic looking to build brand awareness and to establish an audience to launch PetKit into the UK market.
PetKit is a range of innovative technology and accessories that help owners promote a healthy lifestyle for their pets. The range includes automatic feeders, activity monitors, remote monitoring cameras, and more. Each of the tech products can connect to a single app, and help owners identify what lifestyle changes are required to ensure their pets live a happy and healthy life.
Given the recent trends in wearable technology and health technology, this seemed like the perfect time to launch this product to the UK market.
Using a tactical digital marketing strategy and the launch of a new UK website, Fantastic launched a two-stage promotion of the brand on social media.
Fantastic established a presence across three major social media networks, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and begun to build the audience on these channels using a mixture of organic social content and paid social advertising.
Initially, campaigns focused on increasing the awareness of the brand and its products, and then recapturing this audience and driving them towards sales.
As a result the campaigns have created a structured user cycle that not only drives traffic and creates awareness, but also continually grows an engaged audience that can be retargeted to at a later date.
Brand awareness has increased drastically since the launch of the product to market in May 2018.
After 3 months of activity, 33.60% traffic to website is driven directly from social media activity and an audience of over 2,000 engaged Facebook users has been built.
The number of social media impressions across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter has reached over 380,000.
Video activity has increased, achieving 70,836 video views and over 20,000 minutes of video content viewed on the channels.
As of August 2018, over 750 products have been sold directly and through affiliated sales channels such as Amazon and Pet
A message from the client